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Drug Detection

Should drug testing be mandatory for certain professions?

After a man was found to be under the influence of drugs while caring for a child in Dundee, should it be mandatory for those responsible for children to pass drug tests?

There are certain professions when being under the influence of drugs or alcohol is absolutely out of the question.

When people have responsibilities towards others there is a need for a clear mind and this means being free from substances which may impair judgement.

One shocking story from Dundee showed how drug testing equipment might be a wise investment for firms employing people to take care of children.

Some might say that looking after a child is the biggest responsibility one could have, but for 25-year-old Ryan Ogilvie, this was a task he was unwilling to undertake sensibly.

According to the Dundee Courier, the man was spotted in McDonalds under the influence of drugs in the company of a woman and child.

Both adults appeared to be inebriated and staff at the fast-food chain quickly took charge of the child's welfare and alerted the authorities.

Depute fiscal Nicola Gillespie explained that Mr Ogilvie was so far under the influence that he was unable to be cautioned until later that evening.

"The accused never asked about the health or welfare of the child during that time," she told the newspaper.

"He was seen by a nurse but he was unable to tell her what he was under the influence of. She saw fresh needle marks on his arm and he was placed in a cell, under observation. Eventually at 22:00 that night he was able to be cautioned and charged, and he made no reply."

Sheriff Richard Davidson reportedly told Mr Ogilvie that he was lucky to be on a summary complaint and that he put the child at risk through his behaviour.

"Anything could have happened and I want children's services to investigate how you came to be allowed to be in charge of this child," he was reported as saying.

Any adult tasked with looking after children should be in a fit state and this means being able to prove through the use of alcohol or drug detection equipment that you are free of intoxication if necessary.

In 2011, reported that a renowned drug and alcohol testing firm was pressurising the government to make tests mandatory for all foster carers.