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Single Gas Detectors & Gas Monitors

Our single gas detector range is available should you wish to detect only one gas at a time. There are over 20 gas configurations available, five manufacturers and countless different models available. Single gas monitors come in various shapes and sizes, but all are robust and reliable, and use advanced sensor technology. One of our most popular single gas alarms are the BW Clip, BW Solo, MSA Altair, Crowcon Clip, ToxiRAE Pro and the Drager PAC.

Gas detector alarms are required in several industries and applications including agriculture, chemicals, construction, food and drink processing, pharmaceuticals, oil and gas and waste and wastewater treatment.  If you’re unsure of what detector you require then please contact our Sales Team on 0141 771 7749.


There is a selection of carbon monoxide CO detectors, carbon dioxide detectors, oxygen gas detector alarms, hydrogen sulphide gas detectors, ozone gas detectors and many more. Choose from over 20 gases from manufacturers including BW Technologies, Crowcon, MSA Safety, Drager Safety, GMI and RAE Systems.